




    進入佛教榮茵學校校園,不難發現學生們都是面帶喜悅的笑容,校園設施如STREAMER Bus、Fun‘n’Roll Square、喜「閱」廣場、智趣苗圃 (IntelliGarden) 、禪修園地及各活動區等等,為學生提供了多元化的活動,但學生的喜樂,不單是來自校園四週的豐富活動,而是我們的教學團隊成功建立了一所高「FUN」學校,家長希望小朋友考取好的成績,獲得高的「分」數,最重要是啟動小朋友的學習動機,讓他們喜歡上課,對學校有歸屬感,「FUN」即有效、愉快的學習及正向的學習「氛」圍,所以學校在課程設計上,均著重學生的學習興趣為大原則,並以「高參與」、「高展示」及「高回饋」的策略,提升學生於課堂學習及活動的參與度及營造校園內的正向關愛文化。




    幼小銜接方面,本校一年級不設第一次考試,好讓即將升上小一的同學得到更適切的照顧及支援,學校亦繼續參加了教育大同的「感 · 創 · 做」全方位價值承傳計劃,我們利用常識科做切入點,並安排大量活動,好讓一年級學生能「從做中學習」,從而建立正確態度及學習不同的生活技能,提升學生的學習興趣及加強對校園生活的適應力及歸屬感。












Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers, Staff and Students,


    ‘Reading enriches wisdom; achievements build a better future’ is our school’s development theme for the coming three years. Closely aligned with our major concerns, a 6-day cycle schedule has been introduced with a series of afternoon theme-based lessons, ‘Creative Fun Learning Sessions’. They include learning activities with different topics, STEAM courses, reading activities and Personal Growth Education lessons to address our students’ health and growth needs, cater for learner differences, discover and extend their potentials through diverse learning experiences.


    Entering Buddhist Wing Yan School, you will find our students’ genuine happiness. They enjoy various facilities here, like STREAMER Bus, Fun ‘n’ Roll Square, Read with Joy Plaza, IntelliGarden and many more. But the joy comes from within --- their effective and happy learning experiences in a supportive atmosphere; this is what ‘FUN’ learning is about. It induces them to discover and learn, strengthens their sense of belonging and helps them achieve more in all aspects. In short, the main goal of our curriculum is to motivate and encourage children through their frequent participation and demonstration.


   This year, we will keep improving our school curriculum with EDB and some tertiary institutions to improve the quality of teaching, learning and assessment. For example, we will collaborate with Education University of Hong Kong and six other primary schools under The Hong Kong Buddhist Association to implement ‘P.1 English Assessment’. It has high reliability and validity and is unprecedented in Hong Kong. It helps teachers assess our P.1 students’ English levels and design teaching plans accordingly to strengthen their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. It also helps minimize their learning progress differences. In addition, we have recruited three native English teachers, who aside from classroom teaching will regularly arrange diverse English learning activities to motivate our students, improve their communication skills and enrich our English language speaking environment.


   To facilitate our P.1 students’ transition to primary school and adjustment, we do not arrange them to attend the first examination as other levels do. We will continue to work with EDversity through joining its life-wide learning programme, where our P.1 students will practise ‘Learning by Doing’ in General Studies activities. It helps induce their enthusiasm and strengthens their core life skills and adaptability.


   To go hand in hand with Buddhism and positive values education, we will enhance our medication curriculum continuously, such as ‘Mindfulness Matters’ held by Hong Kong Buddhist Association. As moral education is of great importance, we currently have two religion lessons each cycle to nurture students’ positive attitudes on life. We would keep introducing outstanding Hong Kong people to our students as a source of inspiration. Last school year we had the honour to have invited the award-winning professionals, the local snooker player Mr Marco Fu Ka Chun and former athlete Mr So Wa Wai(also known as ‘Wonder Boy’) to share their successful stories. Our children learned the importance of perseverance, resilience, gratitude, self-discipline and setting of life goals through meaningful interactions with them.


   Besides, we have combined positive education with elements of arts in subjects such as Visual Arts, Music, Physical Education, dance and drama courses. We will keep organising interactive art exhibitions to help students appreciate themselves and others as well as building up their gratitude, positive values, sense of accomplishment and adversity quotient.


   ‘FUN’ learning, with its unique definitions, is deeply anchored in our school vision. Dear parents, words cannot express our gratitude and thanks to you for your unwavering support over the years to uphold such vision. We believe with our cooperation, each and every one of Wing Yanians will be inspired by our school motto, ‘To illumine wisdom and manifest compassion’, and become a well-rounded person in the future.



Principal SUEN Wai Man

September 2023











     幼小銜接方面,過去三年疫情的影響,我們深深感受到即將升上小一的同學有需要得到更大的支援,所以,學校參加了教育大同的「感 · 創 · 做」全方位價值承傳計劃,我們利用常識科做切入點,並安排大量活動,好讓學生能「從做中學習」,從而建立正確態度及學習不同的生活技能,提升學生的學習興趣及加強對校園生活的適應力及歸屬感。










Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers, Staff and Students,


     It is a precious and remarkable year for me to have served in Buddhist Wing Yan School, witnessing our teachers’ and parents’ continuous dedication to our school. Given the challenges arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, our teachers have been striving collaboratively to provide our students with quality education through optimising the school-based curriculum and organising diversified learning activities.


      In the coming school year, we will continue to enhance our school curriculum and assessment policy, such as working with EDB and tertiary institutions by joining different school-based support services to improve our teaching, learning and assessment systems. To strengthen students’ creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving skills, our STEM, astronomy and environmental protection courses will be further developed. The school examination will be held three times to create more room for learning and sustainable feedback, such as diversified formative assessments. There will be three native English teachers to help enrich our English learning atmosphere. English activities will be held regularly to motivate our students in communicating in English.


      To echo our school’s value and Buddhist education, classes like ‘Mindfulness Matters’ and positive meditation courses by Hong Kong Buddhist Association are refined constantly to foster students’ positive attitudes. Our Gifted Education Team and Moral and Civic Education Team cooperate to develop student’ good character traits such as resilience, courage, enthusiasm and hope through moral education workshops. We are also building up our school-based curriculum related to well-being, in which students can appreciate one another’s talents and strengths and apply them in their daily lives, for instance, through the interactive art exhibition with the theme of wellness and gratitude.


     To ensure our P1 students’ smooth transition from kindergarten to primary school especially under the pandemic these years, we have joined Jockey Club’s ‘Learning By Doing’ Academy. We have started with General Studies, which introduces students to different activities to learn by doing. It benefits our students a great deal by establishing their basic life skills and positive attitudes; it helps with their adaptation to the new environment, enhances their motivation in learning and sense of belonging to our family.


     Our school has been awarded under Caring School Award Scheme for years as our students are polite and sincere to teachers, staff members and their peers. They are highly engaged not only in lessons but also in services to the community in response to our school motto, To illumine wisdom and manifest compassion’.  Through joining various inter-school competitions and winning many prizes, Wing Yanians have proved their talents, hard work and perseverance especially in challenging times. Many have won prizes in academic, STEM and sports contests, such as the second runner-up in the Artificial Intelligence Programming Contest held by HKITEC, first and second prizes in the nationwide language contest held by HKCHS, Awards for Outstanding Director, Script, Cooperation, Stage Effect, Overall Performance and Performers in the Hong Kong School Drama Festival (English Group).


     With the efforts of our teachers and students, our school has gradually become well-known as a ‘Fun’ school, meaning ‘enjoyable and exciting’ in English, while in Chinese pronunciation ‘Fun’ could refer to ‘marks’ or ‘atmosphere’. We aim to help our Wing Yanians, throughout their six remarkable years, to have great improvement and achievements while enjoying the process in our learning and caring atmosphere.


Principal SUEN Wai Man

September  2022
















Welcome Message from Our New Principal


Dear Parents/Guardians, Teachers, Staff and Students,


     It is my great pleasure and honour to have joined Wing Yan Family at the beginning of this new school year. ‘Family’ is the right word to describe our students’ lives here as our teachers are their caregivers and mentors, nurturing them with love and care. In the past six years, our school has been awarded under Caring School Award Scheme, one of the signs to show our children growing healthily and joyfully in our big family.


     As the new principal at Buddhist Wing Yan School, I am devoted in providing our students with quality education in a wholesome learning environment. Gifted and talented, each Wing Yanian is unique with potentials fully achieved under our teachers’ guidance and support. Our professional team have been working on the school curriculum development incessantly; our school facilities are well-equipped, and teaching resources are abundant. We have largely enhanced our educational quality through ever-improving e-learning technologies and collecting advice from consultant teams. Besides, Gifted Education has been implemented for more than a decade to benefit students of different levels and aptitudes. We ensure that all students could nourish their creativity and improve their problem-solving skills at their own pace. Therefore, Wing Yanians have continuously reached remarkable achievements and attained prizes in both academic and various realms. In addition, we have been actively engaged in STEM Education and Environmental Protection Education to prepare our students well to strive for their best and serve our community in the future.


     Here I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude and thankfulness to our parents/guardians for your support over the years, our sponsoring party and all former Principals for your guidance and leadership, our teachers and staff for your contributions and commitment. We will work hand in hand to build a bright path for our students following our school’s tradition and embracing her values. To our students, I am looking forward to meeting you all and let’s embark on a new stage together with many prosperous years to come!


Principal SUEN Wai Man

August  2021